The Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, was signed as a public law on December 13, 2010. This law contains several provisions that impact school nutrition programs, such as local school wellness policy implementation and for the first time nutrition standards for all foods sold on the school campus during the school day.
Several schools have formed School Health Councils, collaborative groups between school faculty and staff members and parents. These Councils work to promote a variety of healthy eating and physical activity events throughout the school year, such as Family Fitness Nights and school-wide walking programs.
The NPSD continues to provide healthy eating and physical activity resources to help build healthy schools, homes and communities. Check out the links below for suggestions on healthy snack choices and classroom celebrations, as well as a variety of useful wellness links.
The district’s wellness policy and the programs organized thus far are part of the journey of the district-wide wellness implementation process. For more information and future plans of the wellness policy or to be a member of our Student Wellness Committee, please contact the School Nutrition Services Coordinator at [email protected].
Student Wellness Committee Information
Click here to view Policy 246: Student Wellness Policy-Updated 12/17/2020
2023-24 Student Wellness Triennial Assessment Report- Posted 6/11/2024
2023-24 Student Wellness Goals and Summary
2020-2021 Student Wellness Triennial Assessment Report- Posted 6/29/2021
New! For the 2022-23 School Year-District Wellness Committee & Sub Committees Guide
District Wellness Committee Comments & Suggestions Google Form
Please fill out this form if you have any comments or suggestions for our Wellness Committee. All submissions will be reviewed with the District Wellness Committee
Interested in being a part of our District Wellness Committee? Fill out our request form HERE.
Student Wellness Committee Annual Reviews
2023-24 School Year
2022-23 School Year
2021-22 School Year
2020-21 School Year
2019-20 School Year
2018-19 School Year
2017-18 School Year
School fundraisers are including in the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act regulations. A fundraiser is considered any event that includes an activity in which currency/tokens/tickets, etc. are exchanged for the sale/purchase of a product in support of the school or school-related activities. Examples include: baked goods/pretzel/candy bar sales where profits are used to support a school sponsored club or activity, such as the school band or sports team.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education has determined that a maximum of 5 (five) exempt fundraisers will be permitted in each elementary and middle school building per year, and a maximum of 10 (ten) exempt fundraisers will be permitted in each high school building per year. Each fundraiser may not exceed one school week. Schools must keep records of all food fundraisers for three years and current school year for PDE School Nutrition Services audits.
Exemptions only apply to fundraisers that do not meet the requirements for foods sold in schools in the Smart Snack Standards. Non-food fundraisers and food fundraisers that meet the requirements of the Smart Snack Standards do not require an exemption.
Exempt fundraisers may not be sold in the cafeteria during meal periods.
Additionally, the Smart Snack Standards only apply to foods sold to students during the school day. Therefore, the Smart Snack Standards are not applicable to fundraisers that take place after the school day (1/2 hour after the last bell). Examples include fundraisers where a brochure is sent home, such as frozen pizzas, subs/sandwiches, etc.
Impact on Schools
All parts of the school selling food to students during the school day have a role in meeting the wellness standards. Foods and beverages sold in schools as fundraisers must meet the nutrition standards. Fundraiser foods and beverages may not be sold in competition with school meals in the food-serving areas during meal service. The snack standards do NOT apply to foods brought into the school by parents or other groups that are provided to students and not sold (i.e. birthday parties, special events).
Principals are required to communicate and enforce the competitive snack standards in their buildings. This includes all staff, teachers and school supporters who sell competitive foods in school during the school day. Schools must keep a record of all exempt fundraisers to assure they are not exceeding the annual limits. Copies of the requested documentation should be sent to the School Nutrition Services main office. Fundraising records must be kept on file for three years plus the current year and made available upon request for audit purposes. The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) is responsible for monitoring compliance to the Federal competitive food standards. PDE will be conducting an Administrative Review of the District, which will include monitoring of competitive food sales in schools.
Fundraiser guidelines and tracking forms:
Fundraiser & Child Nutrition Full Guidelines
Smart Snack Calculator
Exempt Food Fundraiser Documentation Form
Other Resources
Non-Food Classroom Reward and Celebration Ideas
Action For Healthy Kids: Healthy Rewards
Iowa State University: Non-Food Alternatives
Center for Science in the Public Interest: Healthy Classroom Celebrations
Classroom Fitness Break Ideas
Nature Based Bingo!
New! Eating Healthy on a Budget
Website Resources
Action for Healthy Kids
Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Let's Move! Active Schools
Clemson Cooperative Extension: Non-Food Rewards for Kids